Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Re-Captchaing the Written Word

Almost all of us have seen those boxes pop up with the annoyingly distorted words we are supposed to replicate to prove we are a sentient being and not a computer program. Most people look at this as a frustrating waste of time (because even if it is only 10 seconds of your life, it sure can seem like a lot more when you're in a hurry). However, if you've bought something online lately or "friended" someone, chances are you've helped digitize a book. You may soon have the chance to learn a second (or third language) while translating portions of the web using a similar process. Luis von Ahn discusses the CAPTCHA program he helped create to authenticate a human response via the internet as well as the new directions his research is taking.

Here is a link to the CAPTCHArt he refers to. Some content is...well, sophomoric at best. If you are offended by that type of humor, don't click the link.


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