Exciting things are happening Clock Tower! Well, exciting things are often happening there, but...Construction started yesterday on what will become the new writing center at DACC. We will be moving from the second floor down to the first floor of Clock Tower over the summer and be opening the new location with the start of the F2013 semester. We will have additional computer stations in the new lab, an updated printer, a better testing environment for students who use the lab for make-up exams, areas for working on group projects or group tutoring, and an expanded area for individual tutor sessions.
Our offices will be located near the main entrance to Clock Tower. We are just down the hall from the DACC Library. You can also access the tutor office through the writing lab. |
The writing lab will be in CT108 which is toward the west end of CT. It's right across the hallway from the Comp. and Rhet. labs in CT 107 and CT 109. |
Construction on the writing lab and tutor office. |
Thank you to the DACC Writing Committee, the DACC Communications Department, Gary Dyar of Shick School and Office Supply, Mike Jumps, Mike Carpenter, Dr. Penny McConnell, Suzanna Aguirre, Phillip Langley, Dr. Jacobs, Dave Kietzmann, and the DACC Board of Trustees for their support and work on this project!