Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Are you a DACC student who needs help with a writing assignment but can't make it to campus?

The DACC Writing Center now offers online tutoring for students who are in online classes, who are taking classes through the DACC Higher Learning Center in Hoopeston, who are dual enrolled students, or who may not otherwise be able to make it to campus when they need an appointment.
Here’s how you can use our online tutoring system:

1.     Call the Writing Center at 217-443-8877 to make an appointment.  Let the person you are speaking with know you want to have an online conference. You will need to be able to provide the center with the following information when scheduling your appointment: your name, your instructor’s name, and a phone number where you can be reached should technical problems arise during your conference.  All appointments are scheduled during our regular hours. (See the banner above for the current semester's schedule.)

2.      Send your draft, any information you have concerning the assignment requirements, and specific questions you have about your draft or writing to: All documents should be in MS Word or saved as an “.rtf” file.  Drafts need to be sent to the Writing Center at least one working day before your appointment is scheduled.  For example, if you have an appointment on Friday, you need to send your draft to us before the center closes on Thursday.

3.      Before your conference, you will need to add the Writing Center to your Google Hangouts/Contacts list.  You can do this through your DACC email address. You can add us using our email address: If you’ve never used Google Hangout before, it’s strongly suggested that you follow the steps below for initiating a conference on the day prior to your conference so that you are familiar with how the program works and feel more comfortable using it during the scheduled time. You can send a brief introductory text letting the tutor on duty know you are just making sure you know how to use it before your conference. They should respond so that you know you are connected to the center.

4.      When it is time for your conference, you simply choose to either chat with the WC staff member through a text “hangout” which is a real time text exchange, or if you have a web camera, you can choose to have a “video hangout” which will enable you to see the tutor and discuss your draft in real time.  To initiate the conference, you contact the center using our email address and choose the “chat” option.